Ansible Role to configure K8S Multi Node Cluster over AWS Cloud

3 min readSep 7, 2022

ARTH — Task 19:

Task Description:

📌 Ansible Role to Configure K8S Multi Node Cluster over AWS Cloud.
🔅 Create Ansible Playbook to launch 3 AWS EC2 Instance
🔅 Create Ansible Playbook to configure Docker over those instances.
🔅 Create Playbook to configure K8S Master, K8S Worker Nodes on the above created EC2 Instances using kubeadm.
🔅 Convert Playbook into roles and Upload those role on your Ansible Galaxy.
🔅 Also Upload all the YAML code over your GitHub Repository.
🔅 Create a document using markdown language describing your Task in creative manner.
🔅 Create blog about task and share on your LinkedIN profile.

▪️ Make sure you must have account on:
1) GitHub
2) DockerHub
3) Ansible Galaxy
4) LinkedIN
▪️ Task could be done individually or in team.

Prerequisite :- First setup Dynamic inventory to connect with AWS.

First of all i write Ansible playbook to launch three EC2 instance one master node and two worker node.

playbook ran successfully, got output as bellow.

playbook role for configuration of EC2 instance on AWS as master node.

playbook role for configuration of EC2 instance on AWS as master node.


playbook ran successfully, got multi node cluster configured successfully:-

